It’s a great form of physical activity-

By now, we know getting enough physical activity throughout the week is crucial for our overall health and well-being, but did you know that gardening is a form of exercise? In fact, gardening is a great alternative for going to the gym, as it requires your body to move and switch positions, which challenges joint flexibility and strength. Furthermore, it can actually be more of a workout than a brisk walk! One hour of general gardening can burn about 200 to 400 calories.


It can improve your nutrition-

Seniors should eat approximately seven servings of fruits and vegetables per day. These foods are high in vitamins, minerals and fibre. By gardening and growing your own fruits, vegetables and herbs, your diet is likely to become more nutritious because of the many options at your disposal.


It can promote a positive mindset-

If you’ve had a rough day and you need a little pick-me-up, the Canadian Horticultural Therapy Association says gardening can do the trick. Horticultural therapy is a method that uses gardening as a spiritual and mental healing treatment to promote a positive mindset. In Canada, horticultural therapy has been used increasingly over the last 60 years. So, if you’re feeling stressed or could use a boost in mood, consider joining a gardening club or planting some flowers in a pot in your backyard.


It can improve your community-

Whether you’re currently living on your own or you’re residing in a retirement residence, planting fruits and vegetables in a garden can help improve your community as a whole. Not only will it help make the surrounding area look more colorful and beautiful, but it will also help pump more oxygen into the air, improving the environment as a result. The fruits and vegetables you grow can even be donated to your local food bank.